OCEAN is a platform for the Awakening of Humanity and the Creation of the New Earth.
As a first major step, a venue will be acquired in Northern Portugal, to host spiritual retreats in Portugal as well as a small-scale highly spiritual community. To achieve this goal, a foundation will be set up that will house this venue, further future venues in other countries, and the necessary funds for their renovation, maintenance and daily functioning.
As its basic Vision, OCEAN assumes the inherent Oneness of All That Is. There is only the one absolute, eternal and infinite Divine Principle, projected “outside” as Life in all its exuberant splendour. There is no real and objective world “outside” though, but only energy experienced as a full-immersion 3D holographic projection. The True Nature of Reality is that All is one and the One is all. Separation is an illusion, and we are de facto one with all other humans, all other beings, the Earth, our solar system, the entire universe and the all-encompassing Divine Principle.
The aim of OCEAN is to offer the environment and the experienced support, to assist as many fellow humans as possible in dropping the illusion of separateness, and to create a New Earth based on the high frequency of Love and Oneness.
In order to accomplish this, OCEAN has a threefold Mission:
Fully awaken to GOD-Consciousness
This is the main focus in our personal lives. And for this we hold space for several daily hours of silence for meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, and prayer. The study of spiritual knowledge and devotional music will on a regular basis be part of our Soul-food. To maintain the balance of the physical body, we follow a plant-based diet, as organic as possible. There will be a regular practice of yoga or Tai Chi, according to each one’s specific needs. Alcoholic drinks, tobacco and drugs are not allowed.
Share our experience with the rest of humanity
Sharing will be made possible through spiritual retreats (personal and in groups), spiritual workshops, regular group meditations, regular prayer and mantra chanting sessions, devotional music sessions (kirtan, gospels, gregorian chant etc), spiritual studycircles, personal coaching etc.
Co-create the New Earth
Our world of perception is the reflection of the frequency we hold with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions. So we are the sole Creator of our life! Our aim is to vibrate at our highest possible frequency, the frequency of our highest possible Divine version, the frequency of Love, Peace, Truth, Freedom and Bliss. We therefore consciously manage our thoughtflows, heal our emotions, drop all our belief systems and act mindfully and divinely inspired. By raising our own frequency to our highest possible Divine version, we raise the frequency of our whole world “outside”. Automatically…
Furthermore, in regular group sessions, we focus on imagining the New Earth as an already existing reality. In the quantum field of ALL possibilities it is already available as parallel version of our current projection. We just consciously pull it into our field of perception by matching its frequency. We create through focused imagination and feeling out of pure love, always for the benefit of all. In this co-created reality, humans are no longer victims in a world of solid matter, but Divine Magicians living in conscious Oneness with each other and the Divine Principle. Liberated from fears, co-dependencies and limiting beliefs, all Humans can fully flower as the Divine Beings they inherently are. Naturally enjoying abilities such as levitation, tele-transportation, bi-location, living from light, generating energy, etc. No need to say that this makes a lot of necessities obsolete, allowing Nature to quickly regain her natural glory. A true Paradise with a high Divine frequency, where separation and fear were transcended, and all beings finally thrive in Oneness and unconditional Love.
Your support is indispensable, essential, and invaluable!
If Providence has lead you to reading this text, if you have the means or if you feel the Divine Call to help us create this place for spiritual retreats in Portugal, then please urgently reach out to us!
Now is the time for Divinely inspired action! Now is the time for the quantum leap from a harsh world of separation to a Divinely inspired world based on Oneness and Love. This project is about nothing less than the creation of Heaven on Earth, the projection “outside” of the Kingdom of God within! Not by sparking a revolution “outside”, but by completely changing paradigm within.
The future of your world of perception lays in your very own hands! That is how important you are…
With all our Gratitude!